all files / plugins/assets/ RTokenAsset.sol

89.29% Statements 25/28
66.67% Branches 8/12
100% Functions 9/9
94.74% Lines 36/38
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "../../p1/mixins/RecollateralizationLib.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IMain.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IRToken.sol";
import "./Asset.sol";
/// Once an RToken gets large enough to get a price feed, replacing this asset with
/// a simpler one will do wonders for gas usage
contract RTokenAsset is IAsset {
    using FixLib for uint192;
    using OracleLib for AggregatorV3Interface;
    // Component addresses are not mutable in protocol, so it's safe to cache these
    IBasketHandler public immutable basketHandler;
    IAssetRegistry public immutable assetRegistry;
    IBackingManager public immutable backingManager;
    IERC20Metadata public immutable erc20;
    uint8 public immutable erc20Decimals;
    uint192 public immutable override maxTradeVolume; // {UoA}
    /// @param maxTradeVolume_ {UoA} The max trade volume, in UoA
    constructor(IRToken erc20_, uint192 maxTradeVolume_) {
        Erequire(address(erc20_) != address(0), "missing erc20");
        Erequire(maxTradeVolume_ > 0, "invalid max trade volume");
        IMain main = erc20_.main();
        basketHandler = main.basketHandler();
        assetRegistry = main.assetRegistry();
        backingManager = main.backingManager();
        erc20 = IERC20Metadata(address(erc20_));
        erc20Decimals = erc20_.decimals();
        maxTradeVolume = maxTradeVolume_;
    /// Can revert, used by other contract functions in order to catch errors
    /// @return low {UoA/tok} The low price estimate
    /// @return high {UoA/tok} The high price estimate
    function tryPrice() external view virtual returns (uint192 low, uint192 high) {
        (uint192 lowBUPrice, uint192 highBUPrice) = basketHandler.price(); // {UoA/BU}
        assert(lowBUPrice <= highBUPrice); // not obviously true just by inspection
        // Here we take advantage of the fact that we know RToken has 18 decimals
        // to convert between uint256 an uint192. Fits due to assumed max totalSupply.
        uint192 supply = _safeWrap(IRToken(address(erc20)).totalSupply());
        if (supply == 0) return (lowBUPrice, highBUPrice);
        // The RToken's price is not symmetric like other assets!
        // range.bottom is lower because of the slippage from the shortfall
        BasketRange memory range = basketRange(); // {BU}
        // {UoA/tok} = {BU} * {UoA/BU} / {tok}
        low = range.bottom.mulDiv(lowBUPrice, supply, FLOOR);
        high =, supply, CEIL);
        // assert(low <= high); // obviously true at this point just by inspection
    // solhint-disable no-empty-blocks
    function refresh() public virtual override {
        // No need to save lastPrice; can piggyback off the backing collateral's lotPrice()
    // solhint-enable no-empty-blocks
    /// Should not revert
    /// @return {UoA/tok} The lower end of the price estimate
    /// @return {UoA/tok} The upper end of the price estimate
    function price() public view virtual returns (uint192, uint192) {
        try this.tryPrice() returns (uint192 low, uint192 high) {
            assert(low <= high);
            return (low, high);
        } catch (bytes memory errData) {
            // see: docs/
            if (errData.length == 0) revert(); // solhint-disable-line reason-string
            return (0, FIX_MAX);
    /// Should not revert
    /// lotLow should be nonzero when the asset might be worth selling
    /// @return lotLow {UoA/tok} The lower end of the lot price estimate
    /// @return lotHigh {UoA/tok} The upper end of the lot price estimate
    function lotPrice() external view returns (uint192 lotLow, uint192 lotHigh) {
        (uint192 buLow, uint192 buHigh) = basketHandler.lotPrice(); // {UoA/BU}
        // Here we take advantage of the fact that we know RToken has 18 decimals
        // to convert between uint256 an uint192. Fits due to assumed max totalSupply.
        uint192 supply = _safeWrap(IRToken(address(erc20)).totalSupply());
        if (supply == 0) return (buLow, buHigh);
        BasketRange memory range = basketRange(); // {BU}
        // {UoA/tok} = {BU} * {UoA/BU} / {tok}
        lotLow = range.bottom.mulDiv(buLow, supply);
        lotHigh =, supply);
    /// @return {tok} The balance of the ERC20 in whole tokens
    function bal(address account) external view returns (uint192) {
        // The RToken has 18 decimals, so there's no reason to waste gas here doing a shiftl_toFix
        // return shiftl_toFix(erc20.balanceOf(account), -int8(erc20Decimals));
        return _safeWrap(erc20.balanceOf(account));
    /// @return If the asset is an instance of ICollateral or not
    function isCollateral() external pure virtual returns (bool) {
        return false;
    // solhint-disable no-empty-blocks
    /// Claim rewards earned by holding a balance of the ERC20 token
    /// @dev Use delegatecall
    function claimRewards() external virtual {}
    // solhint-enable no-empty-blocks
    // ==== Private ====
    function basketRange() private view returns (BasketRange memory range) {
        BasketRange memory basketsHeld = basketHandler.basketsHeldBy(address(backingManager));
        uint192 basketsNeeded = IRToken(address(erc20)).basketsNeeded(); // {BU}
        // if (basketHandler.fullyCollateralized())
        if (basketsHeld.bottom >= basketsNeeded) {
            range.bottom = basketsNeeded;
   = basketsNeeded;
        } else {
            // Note: Extremely this is extremely wasteful in terms of gas. This only exists so
            // there is _some_ asset to represent the RToken itself when it is deployed, in
            // the absence of an external price feed. Any RToken that gets reasonably big
            // should switch over to an asset with a price feed.
            IMain main = backingManager.main();
            TradingContext memory ctx = TradingContext({
                basketsHeld: basketsHeld,
                bm: backingManager,
                bh: main.basketHandler(),
                reg: main.assetRegistry(),
                stRSR: main.stRSR(),
                rsr: main.rsr(),
                rToken: main.rToken(),
                minTradeVolume: backingManager.minTradeVolume(),
                maxTradeSlippage: backingManager.maxTradeSlippage()
            Registry memory reg = assetRegistry.getRegistry();
            // will exclude UoA value from RToken balances at BackingManager
            range = RecollateralizationLibP1.basketRange(ctx, reg);