all files / plugins/assets/convex/ CvxStableMetapoolCollateral.sol

90.91% Statements 30/33
66.67% Branches 8/12
100% Functions 6/6
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./CvxStableCollateral.sol";
// solhint-disable no-empty-blocks
interface ICurveMetaPool is ICurvePool, IERC20Metadata {
 * @title CvxStableMetapoolCollateral
 *  This plugin contract is intended for 2-token stable metapools that
 *  DO NOT involve RTokens, such as LUSD-fraxBP or MIM-3CRV.
 * tok = ConvexStakingWrapper(PairedUSDToken/USDBasePool)
 * ref = PairedUSDToken/USDBasePool pool invariant
 * tar = USD
 * UoA = USD
contract CvxStableMetapoolCollateral is CvxStableCollateral {
    using OracleLib for AggregatorV3Interface;
    using FixLib for uint192;
    ICurveMetaPool public immutable metapoolToken; // top-level LP token + CurvePool
    IERC20Metadata public immutable pairedToken; // the token paired with ptConfig.lpToken
    uint192 public immutable pairedTokenPegBottom; // {target/ref} pegBottom but for paired token
    uint192 public immutable pairedTokenPegTop; // {target/ref} pegTop but for paired token
    /// @param config.chainlinkFeed Feed units: {UoA/pairedTok}
    /// @dev config.chainlinkFeed/oracleError/oracleTimeout should be set for paired token
    /// @dev config.erc20 should be a IConvexStakingWrapper
        CollateralConfig memory config,
        uint192 revenueHiding,
        PTConfiguration memory ptConfig,
        ICurveMetaPool metapoolToken_,
        uint192 pairedTokenDefaultThreshold_
    ) CvxStableCollateral(config, revenueHiding, ptConfig) {
        Erequire(address(metapoolToken_) != address(0), "metapoolToken address is zero");
            pairedTokenDefaultThreshold_ > 0 && pairedTokenDefaultThreshold_ < FIX_ONE,
            "pairedTokenDefaultThreshold out of bounds"
        metapoolToken = metapoolToken_;
        pairedToken = IERC20Metadata(metapoolToken.coins(0)); // like LUSD or MIM
        // {target/ref} = {target/ref} * {1}
        uint192 peg = targetPerRef(); // {target/ref}
        uint192 delta = peg.mul(pairedTokenDefaultThreshold_);
        pairedTokenPegBottom = peg - delta;
        pairedTokenPegTop = peg + delta;
        // Sanity checks we have the correct pool
        assert(address(pairedToken) != address(0));
        assert(metapoolToken.coins(1) == address(lpToken));
    /// Can revert, used by other contract functions in order to catch errors
    /// Should not return FIX_MAX for low
    /// Should only return FIX_MAX for high if low is 0
    /// @dev Override this when pricing is more complicated than just a single oracle
    /// @return low {UoA/tok} The low price estimate
    /// @return high {UoA/tok} The high price estimate
    /// @return pegPrice {target/ref} The actual price observed in the peg
    function tryPrice()
        returns (
            uint192 low,
            uint192 high,
            uint192 pegPrice
        // {UoA/pairedTok}
        uint192 lowPaired;
        uint192 highPaired = FIX_MAX;
        try this.tryPairedPrice() returns (uint192 lowPaired_, uint192 highPaired_) {
            lowPaired = lowPaired_;
            highPaired = highPaired_;
        } catch {}
        // {UoA}
        (uint192 aumLow, uint192 aumHigh) = _metapoolBalancesValue(lowPaired, highPaired);
        // {tok}
        uint192 supply = shiftl_toFix(metapoolToken.totalSupply(), -int8(metapoolToken.decimals()));
        // We can always assume that the total supply is non-zero
        // {UoA/tok} = {UoA} / {tok}
        low = aumLow.div(supply, FLOOR);
        high = aumHigh.div(supply, CEIL);
        assert(low <= high); // not obviously true just by inspection
        return (low, high, 0);
    /// Can revert, used by `_anyDepeggedOutsidePool()`
    /// Should not return FIX_MAX for low
    /// Should only return FIX_MAX for high if low is 0
    /// @return lowPaired {UoA/pairedTok} The low price estimate of the paired token
    /// @return highPaired {UoA/pairedTok} The high price estimate of the paired token
    function tryPairedPrice() public view virtual returns (uint192 lowPaired, uint192 highPaired) {
        uint192 p = chainlinkFeed.price(oracleTimeout); // {UoA/pairedTok}
        uint192 delta = p.mul(oracleError, CEIL);
        return (p - delta, p + delta);
    // === Internal ===
    /// @return {ref/tok} Actual quantity of whole reference units per whole collateral tokens
    function _underlyingRefPerTok() internal view override returns (uint192) {
        return _safeWrap(metapoolToken.get_virtual_price());
    // Check for defaults outside the pool
    function _anyDepeggedOutsidePool() internal view virtual override returns (bool) {
        try this.tryPairedPrice() returns (uint192 low, uint192 high) {
            // {UoA/tok} = {UoA/tok} + {UoA/tok}
            uint192 mid = (low + high) / 2;
            // If the price is below the default-threshold price, default eventually
            // uint192(+/-) is the same as
            if (mid < pairedTokenPegBottom || mid > pairedTokenPegTop) return true;
        } catch (bytes memory errData) {
            // see: docs/
            if (errData.length == 0) revert(); // solhint-disable-line reason-string
            return true;
        return false;
    /// @param lowPaired {UoA/pairedTok}
    /// @param highPaired {UoA/pairedTok}
    /// @return aumLow {UoA}
    /// @return aumHigh {UoA}
    function _metapoolBalancesValue(uint192 lowPaired, uint192 highPaired)
        returns (uint192 aumLow, uint192 aumHigh)
        // {UoA}
        (uint192 underlyingAumLow, uint192 underlyingAumHigh) = totalBalancesValue();
        // {tokUnderlying}
        uint192 underlyingSupply = shiftl_toFix(lpToken.totalSupply(), -int8(lpToken.decimals()));
        // {UoA/tokUnderlying} = {UoA} / {tokUnderlying}
        uint192 underlyingLow = underlyingAumLow.div(underlyingSupply, FLOOR);
        uint192 underlyingHigh = underlyingAumHigh.div(underlyingSupply, CEIL);
        // {tokUnderlying}
        uint192 balUnderlying = shiftl_toFix(metapoolToken.balances(1), -int8(lpToken.decimals()));
        // {UoA} = {UoA/tokUnderlying} * {tokUnderlying}
        aumLow = underlyingLow.mul(balUnderlying, FLOOR);
        aumHigh = underlyingHigh.mul(balUnderlying, CEIL);
        // {pairedTok}
        uint192 pairedBal = shiftl_toFix(metapoolToken.balances(0), -int8(pairedToken.decimals()));
        // Add-in contribution from pairedTok
        // {UoA} = {UoA} + {UoA/pairedTok} * {pairedTok}
        aumLow += lowPaired.mul(pairedBal, FLOOR);
        // Add-in high part carefully
        uint192 toAdd = highPaired.safeMul(pairedBal, CEIL);
        if (aumHigh + uint256(toAdd) >= FIX_MAX) {
            aumHigh = FIX_MAX;
        } else {
            aumHigh += toAdd;