all files / p1/mixins/ RecollateralizationLib.sol

98.31% Statements 58/59
88.89% Branches 48/54
100% Functions 4/4
98.86% Lines 87/88
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IAsset.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IAssetRegistry.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IBackingManager.sol";
import "../../libraries/Fixed.sol";
import "./TradeLib.sol";
/// Struct purposes:
///   1. Configure trading
///   2. Stay under stack limit with fewer vars
///   3. Cache information such as component addresses to save on gas
struct TradingContext {
    BasketRange basketsHeld; // {BU}
    // is the number of partial baskets units held
    // basketsHeld.bottom is the number of full basket units held
    // Components
    IBackingManager bm;
    IBasketHandler bh;
    IAssetRegistry reg;
    IStRSR stRSR;
    IERC20 rsr;
    IRToken rToken;
    // Gov Vars
    uint192 minTradeVolume; // {UoA}
    uint192 maxTradeSlippage; // {1}
 * @title RecollateralizationLibP1
 * @notice An informal extension of the Trading mixin that provides trade preparation views
 *   Users:
 *     - BackingManager
 *     - RTokenAsset
 * Interface:
 *  1. prepareRecollateralizationTrade (external)
 *  2. basketRange (internal)
library RecollateralizationLibP1 {
    using FixLib for uint192;
    using TradeLib for TradeInfo;
    using TradeLib for IBackingManager;
    /// Select and prepare a trade that moves us closer to capitalization, using the
    /// basket range to avoid overeager/duplicate trading.
    // This is the "main loop" for recollateralization trading:
    // actions:
    //   let range = basketRange(all erc20s)
    //   let trade = nextTradePair(...)
    //   if trade.sell is not a defaulted collateral, prepareTradeToCoverDeficit(...)
    //   otherwise, prepareTradeSell(...) with a 0 minBuyAmount
    function prepareRecollateralizationTrade(IBackingManager bm, BasketRange memory basketsHeld)
        returns (bool doTrade, TradeRequest memory req)
        // === Prepare cached values ===
        IMain main = bm.main();
        TradingContext memory ctx = TradingContext({
            basketsHeld: basketsHeld,
            bm: bm,
            bh: main.basketHandler(),
            reg: main.assetRegistry(),
            stRSR: main.stRSR(),
            rsr: main.rsr(),
            rToken: main.rToken(),
            minTradeVolume: bm.minTradeVolume(),
            maxTradeSlippage: bm.maxTradeSlippage()
        Registry memory reg = ctx.reg.getRegistry();
        // ============================
        // Compute a target basket range for trading -  {BU}
        BasketRange memory range = basketRange(ctx, reg);
        // Select a pair to trade next, if one exists
        TradeInfo memory trade = nextTradePair(ctx, reg, range);
        // Don't trade if no pair is selected
        Iif (address(trade.sell) == address(0) || address( == address(0)) {
            return (false, req);
        // If we are selling an unpriced asset or UNSOUND collateral, do not try to cover deficit
        if (
            trade.sellPrice == 0 ||
            (trade.sell.isCollateral() &&
                ICollateral(address(trade.sell)).status() != CollateralStatus.SOUND)
        ) {
            (doTrade, req) = trade.prepareTradeSell(ctx.minTradeVolume, ctx.maxTradeSlippage);
        } else {
            (doTrade, req) = trade.prepareTradeToCoverDeficit(
        // At this point doTrade _must_ be true, otherwise nextTradePair assumptions are broken
        return (doTrade, req);
    // Compute the target basket range
    // Algorithm intuition: Trade conservatively. Quantify uncertainty based on the proportion of
    // token balances requiring trading vs not requiring trading. Decrease uncertainty the largest
    // amount possible with each trade.
    // How do we know this algorithm converges?
    // Assumption: constant prices
    // Any volume traded narrows the BU band. Why:
    //   - We might increase `basketsHeld.bottom` from run-to-run, but will never decrease it
    //   - We might decrease the UoA amount of excess balances beyond `basketsHeld.bottom` from
    //       run-to-run, but will never increase it
    //   - We might decrease the UoA amount of missing balances up-to `` from
    //       run-to-run, but will never increase it
    // Preconditions:
    // - ctx is correctly populated with current basketsHeld.bottom +
    // - reg contains erc20 + asset arrays in same order and without duplicates
    // Trading Strategy:
    // - We will not aim to hold more than rToken.basketsNeeded() BUs
    // - No double trades: if we buy B in one trade, we won't sell B in another trade
    //       Caveat: Unless the asset we're selling is IFFY/DISABLED
    // - The best price we might get for a trade is at the high sell price and low buy price
    // - The worst price we might get for a trade is at the low sell price and
    //     the high buy price, multiplied by ( 1 - maxTradeSlippage )
    // - In the worst-case an additional dust balance can be lost, up to minTradeVolume
    // - Given all that, we're aiming to hold as many BUs as possible using the assets we own.
    // More concretely:
    // - = min(rToken.basketsNeeded, - least baskets missing
    //                                                                   + most baskets surplus)
    // - range.bottom = min(rToken.basketsNeeded, basketsHeld.bottom + least baskets purchaseable)
    //   where "least baskets purchaseable" involves trading at unfavorable prices,
    //   incurring maxTradeSlippage, and taking up to a minTradeVolume loss due to dust.
    function basketRange(TradingContext memory ctx, Registry memory reg)
        returns (BasketRange memory range)
        (uint192 basketPriceLow, uint192 basketPriceHigh) =; // {UoA/BU}
        // Cap
        if ( > ctx.rToken.basketsNeeded()) {
   = ctx.rToken.basketsNeeded();
        // === (1/3) Calculate contributions from surplus/deficits ===
        // for, anchor to min(, basketsNeeded)
        // for range.bottom, anchor to min(ctx.basketsHeld.bottom, basketsNeeded)
        // a signed delta to be applied to
        int256 deltaTop; // D18{BU} even though this is int256, it is D18
        // not required for range.bottom
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < reg.erc20s.length; ++i) {
            // Exclude RToken balances to avoid double counting value
            if (reg.erc20s[i] == IERC20(address(ctx.rToken))) continue;
            uint192 bal = reg.assets[i].bal(address(; // {tok}
            // For RSR, include the staking balance
            if (reg.erc20s[i] == ctx.rsr) {
                bal =[i].bal(address(ctx.stRSR)));
            uint192 q =[i], reg.assets[i]); // {tok/BU}
                // Skip over dust-balance assets not in the basket
                (uint192 lotLow, ) = reg.assets[i].lotPrice(); // {UoA/tok}
                // Intentionally include value of IFFY/DISABLED collateral
                if (
                    q == 0 &&
                    !TradeLib.isEnoughToSell(reg.assets[i], bal, lotLow, ctx.minTradeVolume)
                ) continue;
            (uint192 low, uint192 high) = reg.assets[i].price(); // {UoA/tok}
            // throughout these sections +/- is same as and </> is
            // deltaTop: optimistic case
            // if in deficit relative to deduct missing baskets
            // if in surplus relative to add-in surplus baskets
                // {tok} = {tok/BU} * {BU}
                uint192 anchor = q.mul(, CEIL);
                if (anchor > bal) {
                    // deficit: deduct optimistic estimate of baskets missing
                    // {BU} = {UoA/tok} * {tok} / {UoA/BU}
                    deltaTop -= int256(uint256(low.mulDiv(anchor - bal, basketPriceHigh, FLOOR)));
                    // does not need underflow protection: using low price of asset
                } else {
                    // surplus: add-in optimistic estimate of baskets purchaseable
                    // {BU} = {UoA/tok} * {tok} / {UoA/BU}
                    deltaTop += int256(
                        uint256(, bal - anchor, basketPriceLow))
                    // needs overflow protection: using high price of asset which can be FIX_MAX
            // range.bottom: pessimistic case
            // add-in surplus baskets relative to ctx.basketsHeld.bottom
                // {tok} = {tok/BU} * {BU}
                uint192 anchor = q.mul(ctx.basketsHeld.bottom, FLOOR);
                // (1) Sell tokens at low price
                // {UoA} = {UoA/tok} * {tok}
                uint192 val = low.mul(bal - anchor, FLOOR);
                // (2) Lose minTradeVolume to dust (why: auctions can return tokens)
                // Q: Why is this precisely where we should take out minTradeVolume?
                // A: Our use of isEnoughToSell always uses the low price (lotLow, technically),
                //   so min trade volumes are always assesed based on low prices. At this point
                //   in the calculation we have already calculated the UoA amount corresponding to
                //   the excess token balance based on its low price, so we are already set up
                //   to straightforwardly deduct the minTradeVolume before trying to buy BUs.
                val = (val < ctx.minTradeVolume) ? 0 : val - ctx.minTradeVolume;
                // (3) Buy BUs at their high price with the remaining value
                // (4) Assume maximum slippage in trade
                // {BU} = {UoA} * {1} / {UoA/BU}
                range.bottom += val.mulDiv(
        // ==== (2/3) Add-in ctx.*BasketsHeld safely ====
        if (deltaTop < 0) {
   = - _safeWrap(uint256(-deltaTop));
            // reverting on underflow is appropriate here
        } else {
            // guard against overflow; > is same as
            if (uint256(deltaTop) + > FIX_MAX) = FIX_MAX;
            else = + _safeWrap(uint256(deltaTop));
        // range.bottom
        range.bottom += ctx.basketsHeld.bottom;
        // reverting on overflow is appropriate here
        // ==== (3/3) Enforce (range.bottom <= <= basketsNeeded) ====
        if ( > ctx.rToken.basketsNeeded()) = ctx.rToken.basketsNeeded();
        if (range.bottom > range.bottom =;
    // ===========================================================================================
    // === Private ===
    // Used in memory in `nextTradePair` to duck the stack limit
    struct MaxSurplusDeficit {
        CollateralStatus surplusStatus; // starts SOUND
        uint192 surplus; // {UoA}
        uint192 deficit; // {UoA}
    // Choose next sell/buy pair to trade, with reference to the basket range
    // Skip over trading surplus dust amounts
    /// @return trade
    ///   sell: Surplus collateral OR address(0)
    ///   deficit Deficit collateral OR address(0)
    ///   sellAmount {sellTok} Surplus amount (whole tokens)
    ///   buyAmount {buyTok} Deficit amount (whole tokens)
    ///   sellPrice {UoA/sellTok} The worst-case price of the sell token on secondary markets
    ///   buyPrice {UoA/sellTok} The worst-case price of the buy token on secondary markets
    // Defining "sell" and "buy":
    // If bal(e) > (quantity(e) *, then e is in surplus by the difference
    // If bal(e) < (quantity(e) * range.bottom), then e is in deficit by the difference
    // First, ignoring RSR:
    //   `trade.sell` is the token from erc20s with the greatest surplus value (in UoA),
    //   and sellAmount is the quantity of that token that it's in surplus (in qTok).
    //   if `trade.sell` == 0, then no token is in surplus by at least minTradeSize,
    //        and `trade.sellAmount` and `trade.sellPrice` are unset.
    //   `` is the token from erc20s with the greatest deficit value (in UoA),
    //   and buyAmount is the quantity of that token that it's in deficit (in qTok).
    //   if `` == 0, then no token is in deficit at all,
    //        and `trade.buyAmount` and `trade.buyPrice` are unset.
    // Then, just if we have a buy asset and no sell asset, consider selling available RSR.
    // Prefer selling assets in this order: DISABLED -> SOUND -> IFFY.
    // All collateral in the basket have already been guaranteed to be SOUND by upstream checks.
    function nextTradePair(
        TradingContext memory ctx,
        Registry memory reg,
        BasketRange memory range
    ) private view returns (TradeInfo memory trade) {
        MaxSurplusDeficit memory maxes;
        maxes.surplusStatus = CollateralStatus.IFFY; // least-desirable sell status
        // No space on the stack to cache erc20s.length
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < reg.erc20s.length; ++i) {
            if (reg.erc20s[i] == ctx.rsr) continue;
            uint192 bal = reg.assets[i].bal(address(; // {tok}
            // {tok} = {BU} * {tok/BU}
            // needed(Top): token balance needed for baskets: quantity(e) *
            uint192 needed =
      [i], reg.assets[i]),
            ); // {tok}
            if ( {
                uint192 low; // {UoA/sellTok}
                // this wonky block is just for getting around the stack limit
                    uint192 high; // {UoA/sellTok}
                    (low, high) = reg.assets[i].price(); // {UoA/sellTok}
                    // Skip worthless assets
                    Iif (high == 0) continue;
                (uint192 lotLow, ) = reg.assets[i].lotPrice(); // {UoA/sellTok}
                // {UoA} = {sellTok} * {UoA/sellTok}
                uint192 delta = bal.minus(needed).mul(lotLow, FLOOR);
                // status = asset.status() if asset.isCollateral() else SOUND
                CollateralStatus status; // starts SOUND
                Eif (reg.assets[i].isCollateral()) {
                    status = ICollateral(address(reg.assets[i])).status();
                // Select the most-in-surplus "best" asset still enough to sell,
                // as defined by a (status, surplusAmt) ordering
                if (
                    isBetterSurplus(maxes, status, delta) &&
                ) {
                    trade.sell = reg.assets[i];
                    trade.sellAmount = bal.minus(needed);
                    trade.sellPrice = low;
                    maxes.surplusStatus = status;
                    maxes.surplus = delta;
            } else {
                // needed(Bottom): token balance needed at bottom of the basket range
                needed = range.bottom.mul(
          [i], reg.assets[i]),
                ); // {buyTok};
                if ( {
                    uint192 amtShort = needed.minus(bal); // {buyTok}
                    (, uint192 high) = reg.assets[i].price(); // {UoA/buyTok}
                    // {UoA} = {buyTok} * {UoA/buyTok}
                    uint192 delta = amtShort.mul(high, CEIL);
                    // The best asset to buy is whichever asset has the largest deficit
                    if ( {
               = ICollateral(address(reg.assets[i]));
                        trade.buyAmount = amtShort;
                        trade.buyPrice = high;
                        maxes.deficit = delta;
        // Use RSR if needed
        if (address(trade.sell) == address(0) && address( != address(0)) {
            IAsset rsrAsset = ctx.reg.toAsset(ctx.rsr);
            uint192 rsrAvailable = rsrAsset.bal(address(
            (uint192 low, uint192 high) = rsrAsset.price(); // {UoA/tok}
            (uint192 lotLow, ) = rsrAsset.lotPrice(); // {UoA/tok}
            Eif (
                high > 0 &&
                TradeLib.isEnoughToSell(rsrAsset, rsrAvailable, lotLow, ctx.minTradeVolume)
            ) {
                trade.sell = rsrAsset;
                trade.sellAmount = rsrAvailable;
                trade.sellPrice = low;
    /// @param curr The current MaxSurplusDeficit containing the best surplus so far
    /// @param other The collateral status of the asset in consideration
    /// @param surplusAmt {UoA} The amount by which the asset in consideration is in surplus
    function isBetterSurplus(
        MaxSurplusDeficit memory curr,
        CollateralStatus other,
        uint192 surplusAmt
    ) private pure returns (bool) {
        // NOTE: If the CollateralStatus enum changes then this has to change!
        if (curr.surplusStatus == CollateralStatus.DISABLED) {
            return other == CollateralStatus.DISABLED &&;
        } else if (curr.surplusStatus == CollateralStatus.SOUND) {
                other == CollateralStatus.DISABLED ||
                (other == CollateralStatus.SOUND &&;
        } else {
            // curr is IFFY
            return other != CollateralStatus.IFFY ||;