all files / mixins/ Auth.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/AccessControlUpgradeable.sol";
import "../interfaces/IMain.sol";
uint256 constant LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES = 6; // 6 uses
uint48 constant MAX_UNFREEZE_AT = type(uint48).max;
uint48 constant MAX_SHORT_FREEZE = 2592000; // 1 month
uint48 constant MAX_LONG_FREEZE = 31536000; // 1 year
 * @title Auth
 * @notice Provides fine-grained access controls and exports frozen/paused states to Components.
abstract contract Auth is AccessControlUpgradeable, IAuth {
     * System-wide states (does not impact ERC20 functions)
     *  - Frozen: only allow OWNER actions and staking
     *  - Paused: only allow OWNER actions, redemption, staking, and rewards payout
     * Typically freezing thaws on its own in a predetemined number of blocks.
     *   However, OWNER can also freeze forever.
    /// The rest of the contract uses the shorthand; these declarations are here for getters
    bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = OWNER;
    bytes32 public constant SHORT_FREEZER_ROLE = SHORT_FREEZER;
    bytes32 public constant LONG_FREEZER_ROLE = LONG_FREEZER;
    bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = PAUSER;
    // === Freezing ===
    mapping(address => uint256) public longFreezes;
    uint48 public unfreezeAt; // {s} uint48.max to pause indefinitely
    uint48 public shortFreeze; // {s} length of an initial freeze
    uint48 public longFreeze; // {s} length of a freeze extension
    // === Pausing ===
    bool public paused;
    /* ==== Invariants ====
       0 <= longFreeze[a] <= LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES for all addrs a
       set{a has LONG_FREEZER} == set{a : longFreeze[a] == 0}
    // checks:
    // - __Auth_init has not previously been called
    // - 0 < shortFreeze_ <= MAX_SHORT_FREEZE
    // - 0 < longFreeze_ <= MAX_LONG_FREEZE
    // effects:
    // - caller has all roles
    // - OWNER is the admin role for all roles
    // - longFreezes[caller] == LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES
    // - shortFreeze' == shortFreeze_
    // - longFreeze' == longFreeze_
    // questions: (what do I know about the values of paused and unfreezeAt?)
    // untestable:
    //      `else` branch of `onlyInitializing` (ie. revert) is currently untestable.
    //      This function is only called inside other `init` functions, each of which is wrapped
    //      in an `initializer` modifier, which would fail first.
    // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase
    function __Auth_init(uint48 shortFreeze_, uint48 longFreeze_) internal EonlyInitializing {
        // Role setup
        _setRoleAdmin(OWNER, OWNER);
        _setRoleAdmin(SHORT_FREEZER, OWNER);
        _setRoleAdmin(LONG_FREEZER, OWNER);
        _setRoleAdmin(PAUSER, OWNER);
        address msgSender = _msgSender();
        _grantRole(OWNER, msgSender);
        _grantRole(SHORT_FREEZER, msgSender);
        _grantRole(LONG_FREEZER, msgSender);
        _grantRole(PAUSER, msgSender);
        longFreezes[msgSender] = LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES;
    // checks: caller is an admin for role, account is not 0
    // effects:
    // - account has the `role` role
    // - if role is LONG_FREEZER, then longFreezes'[account] == LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES
    function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account)
        override(AccessControlUpgradeable, IAccessControlUpgradeable)
        require(account != address(0), "cannot grant role to address 0");
        if (role == LONG_FREEZER) longFreezes[account] = LONG_FREEZE_CHARGES;
        _grantRole(role, account);
    // ==== System-wide views ====
    // returns: bool(main is frozen) == now < unfreezeAt
    function frozen() external view returns (bool) {
        return block.timestamp < unfreezeAt;
    /// @dev This -or- condition is a performance optimization for the consuming Component
    // returns: bool(main is frozen or paused) == paused || (now < unfreezeAt)
    function pausedOrFrozen() public view returns (bool) {
        return paused || block.timestamp < unfreezeAt;
    // === Freezing ===
    /// Enter a freeze for the `shortFreeze` duration
    // checks:
    // - caller has the SHORT_FREEZER role
    // - now + shortFreeze >= unfreezeAt (that is, this call should increase unfreezeAt)
    // effects:
    // - unfreezeAt' = now + shortFreeze
    // - after, caller does not have the SHORT_FREEZER role
    function freezeShort() external onlyRole(SHORT_FREEZER) {
        // Revoke short freezer role after one use
        _revokeRole(SHORT_FREEZER, _msgSender());
        freezeUntil(uint48(block.timestamp) + shortFreeze);
    /// Enter a freeze by the `longFreeze` duration
    // checks:
    // - caller has the LONG_FREEZER role
    // - longFreezes[caller] > 0
    // - now + longFreeze >= unfreezeAt (that is, this call should increase unfreezeAt)
    // effects:
    // - unfreezeAt' = now + longFreeze
    // - longFreezes'[caller] = longFreezes[caller] - 1
    // - if longFreezes'[caller] == 0 then caller loses the LONG_FREEZER role
    function freezeLong() external onlyRole(LONG_FREEZER) {
        longFreezes[_msgSender()] -= 1; // reverts on underflow
        // Revoke on 0 charges as a cleanup step
        if (longFreezes[_msgSender()] == 0) _revokeRole(LONG_FREEZER, _msgSender());
        freezeUntil(uint48(block.timestamp) + longFreeze);
    /// Enter a permanent freeze
    // checks:
    // - caller has the OWNER role
    // - unfreezeAt != type(uint48).max
    // effects: unfreezeAt' = type(uint48).max
    function freezeForever() external onlyRole(OWNER) {
    /// End all freezes
    // checks:
    // - unfreezeAt > now  (i.e, frozen() == true before the call)
    // - caller has the OWNER role
    // effects: unfreezeAt' = now  (i.e, frozen() == false after the call)
    function unfreeze() external onlyRole(OWNER) {
        emit UnfreezeAtSet(unfreezeAt, uint48(block.timestamp));
        unfreezeAt = uint48(block.timestamp);
    // === Pausing ===
    // checks: caller has PAUSER
    // effects: paused' = true
    function pause() external onlyRole(PAUSER) {
        emit PausedSet(paused, true);
        paused = true;
    // checks: caller has PAUSER
    // effects: paused' = false
    function unpause() external onlyRole(PAUSER) {
        emit PausedSet(paused, false);
        paused = false;
    // === Gov params ===
    /// @custom:governance
    function setShortFreeze(uint48 shortFreeze_) public onlyRole(OWNER) {
        require(shortFreeze_ > 0 && shortFreeze_ <= MAX_SHORT_FREEZE, "short freeze out of range");
        emit ShortFreezeDurationSet(shortFreeze, shortFreeze_);
        shortFreeze = shortFreeze_;
    /// @custom:governance
    function setLongFreeze(uint48 longFreeze_) public onlyRole(OWNER) {
        require(longFreeze_ > 0 && longFreeze_ <= MAX_LONG_FREEZE, "long freeze out of range");
        emit LongFreezeDurationSet(longFreeze, longFreeze_);
        longFreeze = longFreeze_;
    // === Private Helper ===
    // checks: newUnfreezeAt > unfreezeAt
    // effects: unfreezeAt' = newUnfreezeAt
    function freezeUntil(uint48 newUnfreezeAt) private {
        require(newUnfreezeAt > unfreezeAt, "frozen");
        emit UnfreezeAtSet(unfreezeAt, newUnfreezeAt);
        unfreezeAt = newUnfreezeAt;
     * @dev This empty reserved space is put in place to allow future versions to add new
     * variables without shifting down storage in the inheritance chain.
     * See
    uint256[48] private __gap;