all files / libraries/ Throttle.sol

90.91% Statements 10/11
83.33% Branches 10/12
100% Functions 3/3
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./Fixed.sol";
uint48 constant ONE_HOUR = 3600; // {seconds/hour}
 * @title ThrottleLib
 * A library that implements a usage throttle that can be used to ensure net issuance
 * or net redemption for an RToken never exceeds some bounds per unit time (hour).
 * It is expected for the RToken to use this library with two instances, one for issuance
 * and one for redemption. Issuance causes the available redemption amount to increase, and
 * visa versa.
library ThrottleLib {
    using FixLib for uint192;
    struct Params {
        uint256 amtRate; // {qRTok/hour} a quantity of RToken hourly; cannot be 0
        uint192 pctRate; // {1/hour} a fraction of RToken hourly; can be 0
    struct Throttle {
        // === Gov params ===
        Params params;
        // === Cache ===
        uint48 lastTimestamp; // {seconds}
        uint256 lastAvailable; // {qRTok}
    /// Reverts if usage amount exceeds available amount
    /// @param supply {qRTok} Total RToken supply beforehand
    /// @param amount {qRTok} Amount of RToken to use. Should be negative for the issuance
    ///   throttle during redemption and for the redemption throttle during issuance.
    function useAvailable(
        Throttle storage throttle,
        uint256 supply,
        int256 amount
    ) internal {
        // untestable: amtRate will always be greater > 0 due to previous validations
        Iif (throttle.params.amtRate == 0 && throttle.params.pctRate == 0) return;
        // Calculate hourly limit
        uint256 limit = hourlyLimit(throttle, supply); // {qRTok}
        // Calculate available amount before supply change
        uint256 available = currentlyAvailable(throttle, limit);
        // Calculate available amount after supply change
        if (amount > 0) {
            require(uint256(amount) <= available, "supply change throttled");
            available -= uint256(amount);
            // untestable: the final else statement, amount will never be 0
        } else Eif (amount < 0) {
            available += uint256(-amount);
        // Update cached values
        throttle.lastAvailable = available;
        throttle.lastTimestamp = uint48(block.timestamp);
    /// @param limit {qRTok/hour} The hourly limit
    /// @return available {qRTok} Amount currently available for consumption
    function currentlyAvailable(Throttle storage throttle, uint256 limit)
        returns (uint256 available)
        uint48 delta = uint48(block.timestamp) - throttle.lastTimestamp; // {seconds}
        available = throttle.lastAvailable + (limit * delta) / ONE_HOUR;
        if (available > limit) available = limit;
    /// @return limit {qRTok} The hourly limit
    function hourlyLimit(Throttle storage throttle, uint256 supply)
        returns (uint256 limit)
        Params storage params = throttle.params;
        // Calculate hourly limit as: max(params.amtRate, supply.mul(params.pctRate))
        limit = (supply * params.pctRate) / FIX_ONE_256; // {qRTok}
        if (params.amtRate > limit) limit = params.amtRate;