all files / interfaces/ IFurnace.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "../libraries/Fixed.sol";
import "./IComponent.sol";
 * @title IFurnace
 * @notice A helper contract to burn RTokens slowly and permisionlessly.
interface IFurnace is IComponent {
    // Initialization
    function init(IMain main_, uint192 ratio_) external;
    /// Emitted when the melting ratio is changed
    /// @param oldRatio The old ratio
    /// @param newRatio The new ratio
    event RatioSet(uint192 indexed oldRatio, uint192 indexed newRatio);
    function ratio() external view returns (uint192);
    ///    Needed value range: [0, 1], granularity 1e-9
    /// @custom:governance
    function setRatio(uint192) external;
    /// Performs any RToken melting that has vested since the last payout.
    /// @custom:refresher
    function melt() external;
interface TestIFurnace is IFurnace {
    function lastPayout() external view returns (uint256);
    function lastPayoutBal() external view returns (uint256);