all files / interfaces/ IFacadeWrite.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./IDeployer.sol";
 * @title ConfigurationParams
 * @notice The set of protocol params needed to deploy an RToken
struct ConfigurationParams {
    // === RToken info ===
    string name;
    string symbol;
    string mandate;
    // === Deployer params ===
    DeploymentParams params;
 * @title SetupParams
 * @notice The set of protocol params needed to setup a full instance of an RToken
struct SetupParams {
    // ===  Assets  ===
    IAsset[] assets;
    // === Basket  ===
    ICollateral[] primaryBasket;
    uint192[] weights;
    // === Basket Backup ===
    BackupInfo[] backups;
    // === Beneficiaries - Revenue Sharing ===
    BeneficiaryInfo[] beneficiaries;
 * @title BackupInfo
 * @notice The set of params to define a basket backup
struct BackupInfo {
    bytes32 backupUnit;
    uint256 diversityFactor;
    ICollateral[] backupCollateral;
 * @title BeneficiaryInfo
 * @notice The set of params to define a beneficiary
struct BeneficiaryInfo {
    address beneficiary;
    RevenueShare revShare;
 * @title GovernanceParams
 * @notice The set of params required to setup decentralized governance
struct GovernanceParams {
    uint256 votingDelay; // in blocks
    uint256 votingPeriod; // in blocks
    uint256 proposalThresholdAsMicroPercent; // e.g. 1e4 for 0.01%
    uint256 quorumPercent; // e.g 4 for 4%
    uint256 timelockDelay; // in seconds (used for timelock)
 * @title IFacadeWrite
 * @notice A UX-friendly layer for interactin with the protocol
interface IFacadeWrite {
    /// Emitted when a new Governance is deployed
    /// @param rToken The address of the RToken
    /// @param governance The address of the new governance
    /// @param timelock The address of the timelock
    event GovernanceCreated(
        IRToken indexed rToken,
        address indexed governance,
        address indexed timelock
    /// Deploys an instance of an RToken
    function deployRToken(ConfigurationParams calldata config, SetupParams calldata setup)
        returns (address);
    /// Sets up governance for an RToken
    function setupGovernance(
        IRToken rToken,
        bool deployGovernance,
        bool unfreeze,
        GovernanceParams calldata govParams,
        address owner,
        address guardian,
        address pauser
    ) external returns (address);