all files / interfaces/ IFacadeRead.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "../p1/RToken.sol";
import "./IRToken.sol";
import "./IStRSR.sol";
 * @title IFacade
 * @notice A UX-friendly layer for non-governance protocol interactions
 * - @custom:static-call - Use ethers callStatic() in order to get result after update
 * - @custom:view - Regular view
v */
interface IFacadeRead {
    // === Static Calls ===
    /// @return How many RToken `account` can issue given current holdings
    /// @custom:static-call
    function maxIssuable(IRToken rToken, address account) external returns (uint256);
    /// @return tokens The erc20 needed for the issuance
    /// @return deposits {qTok} The deposits necessary to issue `amount` RToken
    /// @return depositsUoA {UoA} The UoA value of the deposits necessary to issue `amount` RToken
    /// @custom:static-call
    function issue(IRToken rToken, uint256 amount)
        returns (
            address[] memory tokens,
            uint256[] memory deposits,
            uint192[] memory depositsUoA
    /// @return tokens The erc20s returned for the redemption
    /// @return withdrawals The balances necessary to issue `amount` RToken
    /// @return isProrata True if the redemption is prorata and not full
    /// @custom:static-call
    function redeem(
        IRToken rToken,
        uint256 amount,
        uint48 basketNonce
        returns (
            address[] memory tokens,
            uint256[] memory withdrawals,
            bool isProrata
    /// @return erc20s The ERC20 addresses in the current basket
    /// @return uoaShares The proportion of the basket associated with each ERC20
    /// @return targets The bytes32 representations of the target unit associated with each ERC20
    /// @custom:static-call
    function basketBreakdown(RTokenP1 rToken)
        returns (
            address[] memory erc20s,
            uint192[] memory uoaShares,
            bytes32[] memory targets
    // === Views ===
    struct Pending {
        uint256 index;
        uint256 availableAt;
        uint256 amount;
    /// @param account The account for the query
    /// @return All the pending StRSR unstakings for an account
    /// @custom:view
    function pendingUnstakings(RTokenP1 rToken, address account)
        returns (Pending[] memory);
    /// Returns the prime basket
    /// @dev Indices are shared across return values
    /// @return erc20s The erc20s in the prime basket
    /// @return targetNames The bytes32 name identifier of the target unit, per ERC20
    /// @return targetAmts {target/BU} The amount of the target unit in the basket, per ERC20
    function primeBasket(RTokenP1 rToken)
        returns (
            IERC20[] memory erc20s,
            bytes32[] memory targetNames,
            uint192[] memory targetAmts
    /// Returns the backup configuration for a given targetName
    /// @param targetName The name of the target unit to lookup the backup for
    /// @return erc20s The backup erc20s for the target unit, in order of most to least desirable
    /// @return max The maximum number of tokens from the array to use at a single time
    function backupConfig(RTokenP1 rToken, bytes32 targetName)
        returns (IERC20[] memory erc20s, uint256 max);
    /// @return tokens The ERC20s backing the RToken
    /// @custom:view
    function basketTokens(IRToken rToken) external view returns (address[] memory tokens);
    /// @return stTokenAddress The address of the corresponding stToken address
    /// @custom:view
    function stToken(IRToken rToken) external view returns (IStRSR stTokenAddress);
    /// @return backing The worst-case collaterazation % the protocol will have after done trading
    /// @return overCollateralization The over-collateralization value relative to the
    ///     fully-backed value
    function backingOverview(IRToken rToken)
        returns (uint192 backing, uint192 overCollateralization);
    /// @return erc20s The registered ERC20s
    /// @return balances {qTok} The held balances of each ERC20 at the trader
    /// @return balancesNeeded {qTok} The needed balance of each ERC20 at the trader
    function traderBalances(IRToken rToken, ITrading trader)
        returns (
            IERC20[] memory erc20s,
            uint256[] memory balances,
            uint256[] memory balancesNeeded
    /// @return low {UoA/tok} The low price of the RToken as given by the relevant RTokenAsset
    /// @return high {UoA/tok} The high price of the RToken as given by the relevant RTokenAsset
    function price(IRToken rToken) external view returns (uint192 low, uint192 high);
    /// @return erc20s The list of ERC20s that have auctions that can be settled, for given trader
    function auctionsSettleable(ITrading trader) external view returns (IERC20[] memory erc20s);