all files / interfaces/ IDeployerRegistry.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "./IDeployer.sol";
interface IDeployerRegistry {
    event DeploymentUnregistered(string version, IDeployer deployer);
    event DeploymentRegistered(string version, IDeployer deployer);
    event LatestChanged(string version, IDeployer deployer);
    /// Register a deployer address, keyed by a version.
    /// @dev Does not allow overwriting without deregistration
    /// @param version A semver version string
    /// @param makeLatest True iff this deployment should be promoted to be the latest deployment
    function register(
        string calldata version,
        IDeployer deployer,
        bool makeLatest
    ) external;
    /// Unregister by version
    function unregister(string calldata version) external;
    /// @return The Deployer from the latest deployment
    function latestDeployment() external view returns (IDeployer);