all files / interfaces/ IBasketHandler.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "../libraries/Fixed.sol";
import "./IAsset.sol";
import "./IComponent.sol";
struct BasketRange {
    uint192 bottom; // {BU}
    uint192 top; // {BU}
 * @title IBasketHandler
 * @notice The BasketHandler aims to maintain a reference basket of constant target unit amounts.
 * When a collateral token defaults, a new reference basket of equal target units is set.
 * When _all_ collateral tokens default for a target unit, only then is the basket allowed to fall
 *   in terms of target unit amounts. The basket is considered defaulted in this case.
interface IBasketHandler is IComponent {
    /// Emitted when the prime basket is set
    /// @param erc20s The collateral tokens for the prime basket
    /// @param targetAmts {target/BU} A list of quantities of target unit per basket unit
    /// @param targetNames Each collateral token's targetName
    event PrimeBasketSet(IERC20[] erc20s, uint192[] targetAmts, bytes32[] targetNames);
    /// Emitted when the reference basket is set
    /// @param nonce The basket nonce
    /// @param erc20s The list of collateral tokens in the reference basket
    /// @param refAmts {ref/BU} The reference amounts of the basket collateral tokens
    /// @param disabled True when the list of erc20s + refAmts may not be correct
    event BasketSet(uint256 indexed nonce, IERC20[] erc20s, uint192[] refAmts, bool disabled);
    /// Emitted when a backup config is set for a target unit
    /// @param targetName The name of the target unit as a bytes32
    /// @param max The max number to use from `erc20s`
    /// @param erc20s The set of backup collateral tokens
    event BackupConfigSet(bytes32 indexed targetName, uint256 indexed max, IERC20[] erc20s);
    // Initialization
    function init(IMain main_) external;
    /// Set the prime basket
    /// @param erc20s The collateral tokens for the new prime basket
    /// @param targetAmts The target amounts (in) {target/BU} for the new prime basket
    ///                   required range: 1e9 values; absolute range irrelevant.
    /// @custom:governance
    function setPrimeBasket(IERC20[] memory erc20s, uint192[] memory targetAmts) external;
    /// Set the backup configuration for a given target
    /// @param targetName The name of the target as a bytes32
    /// @param max The maximum number of collateral tokens to use from this target
    ///            Required range: 1-255
    /// @param erc20s A list of ordered backup collateral tokens
    /// @custom:governance
    function setBackupConfig(
        bytes32 targetName,
        uint256 max,
        IERC20[] calldata erc20s
    ) external;
    /// Default the basket in order to schedule a basket refresh
    /// @custom:protected
    function disableBasket() external;
    /// Governance-controlled setter to cause a basket switch explicitly
    /// @custom:governance
    /// @custom:interaction
    function refreshBasket() external;
    /// @return If the BackingManager has sufficient collateral to redeem the entire RToken supply
    function fullyCollateralized() external view returns (bool);
    /// @return status The worst CollateralStatus of all collateral in the basket
    function status() external view returns (CollateralStatus status);
    /// @param erc20 The ERC20 token contract for the asset
    /// @return {tok/BU} The whole token quantity of token in the reference basket
    /// Returns 0 if erc20 is not registered or not in the basket
    /// Returns FIX_MAX (in lieu of +infinity) if Collateral.refPerTok() is 0.
    /// Otherwise, returns (token's basket.refAmts / token's Collateral.refPerTok())
    function quantity(IERC20 erc20) external view returns (uint192);
    /// Like quantity(), but unsafe because it DOES NOT CONFIRM THAT THE ASSET IS CORRECT
    /// @param erc20 The ERC20 token contract for the asset
    /// @param asset The registered asset plugin contract for the erc20
    /// @return {tok/BU} The whole token quantity of token in the reference basket
    /// Returns 0 if erc20 is not registered or not in the basket
    /// Returns FIX_MAX (in lieu of +infinity) if Collateral.refPerTok() is 0.
    /// Otherwise, returns (token's basket.refAmts / token's Collateral.refPerTok())
    function quantityUnsafe(IERC20 erc20, IAsset asset) external view returns (uint192);
    /// @param amount {BU}
    /// @return erc20s The addresses of the ERC20 tokens in the reference basket
    /// @return quantities {qTok} The quantity of each ERC20 token to issue `amount` baskets
    function quote(uint192 amount, RoundingMode rounding)
        returns (address[] memory erc20s, uint256[] memory quantities);
    /// @return top {BU} The number of partial basket units: e.g max( => c.balAsBUs())
    ///         bottom {BU} The number of whole basket units held by the account
    function basketsHeldBy(address account) external view returns (BasketRange memory);
    /// Should not revert
    /// @return low {UoA/BU} The lower end of the price estimate
    /// @return high {UoA/BU} The upper end of the price estimate
    function price() external view returns (uint192 low, uint192 high);
    /// Should not revert
    /// lotLow should be nonzero if a BU could be worth selling
    /// @return lotLow {UoA/tok} The lower end of the lot price estimate
    /// @return lotHigh {UoA/tok} The upper end of the lot price estimate
    function lotPrice() external view returns (uint192 lotLow, uint192 lotHigh);
    /// @return timestamp The timestamp at which the basket was last set
    function timestamp() external view returns (uint48);
    /// @return The current basket nonce, regardless of status
    function nonce() external view returns (uint48);