all files / interfaces/ IAssetRegistry.sol

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BlueOak-1.0.0
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "./IAsset.sol";
import "./IComponent.sol";
/// A serialization of the AssetRegistry to be passed around in the P1 impl for gas optimization
struct Registry {
    IERC20[] erc20s;
    IAsset[] assets;
 * @title IAssetRegistry
 * @notice The AssetRegistry is in charge of maintaining the ERC20 tokens eligible
 *   to be handled by the rest of the system. If an asset is in the registry, this means:
 *      1. Its ERC20 contract has been vetted
 *      2. The asset is the only asset for that ERC20
 *      3. The asset can be priced in the UoA, usually via an oracle
interface IAssetRegistry is IComponent {
    /// Emitted when an asset is added to the registry
    /// @param erc20 The ERC20 contract for the asset
    /// @param asset The asset contract added to the registry
    event AssetRegistered(IERC20 indexed erc20, IAsset indexed asset);
    /// Emitted when an asset is removed from the registry
    /// @param erc20 The ERC20 contract for the asset
    /// @param asset The asset contract removed from the registry
    event AssetUnregistered(IERC20 indexed erc20, IAsset indexed asset);
    // Initialization
    function init(IMain main_, IAsset[] memory assets_) external;
    /// Fully refresh all asset state
    /// @custom:interaction
    function refresh() external;
    /// @return The corresponding asset for ERC20, or reverts if not registered
    function toAsset(IERC20 erc20) external view returns (IAsset);
    /// @return The corresponding collateral, or reverts if unregistered or not collateral
    function toColl(IERC20 erc20) external view returns (ICollateral);
    /// @return If the ERC20 is registered
    function isRegistered(IERC20 erc20) external view returns (bool);
    /// @return A list of all registered ERC20s
    function erc20s() external view returns (IERC20[] memory);
    /// @return reg The list of registered ERC20s and Assets, in the same order
    function getRegistry() external view returns (Registry memory reg);
    function register(IAsset asset) external returns (bool);
    function swapRegistered(IAsset asset) external returns (bool swapped);
    function unregister(IAsset asset) external;